Wolf Den Meeting 1 Heights Park 4 pm
Heights Park 711 W Arapaho Rd, Richardson, United StatesHeights Park
Heights Park
We're meeting at the Richardson Police Dept. to work on Paws for Action (Duty to Country) adventure, requirement 3a & 3b. Scouts should bring 3 questions to ask the police officer that will help them learn how to stay safe.
Visit Troop 1001 and work on Scouting Adventure. Wear Field Uniform (tan shirt/green shorts).
Camping with T444. From the Troop... Camp with 444B over October 6-8 at Scout camp Trevor-Rees Jones in Athens, TX. Our theme for this campout is Archery/Fishing/Scout Skills. This can be a great way for your scout and parents to get to know our troop while learning the Boy Scout ways. You can find more details at this link and […]
We're meeting at the Heard Museum today with the Tiger Den! We’ll be working on Fur, Feathers, and Friends adventure, requirements 1, 2, 4. The cost is $10 per Scout/child and $13 per adult. See event link and map at https://pack751richardson.com/calendar-single-post-name/bears-den-meeting-3/.
We're meeting at the Heard Museum today with the Bears Den! Adventure: Tigers in the Wild / My Tiger Jungle (requirements) See event link and map at https://pack751richardson.com/calendar-single-post-name/tigers-den-meeting-3/.
We will be working the Bear Claws adventure. Please purchase a pen knife or jackknife for your Scout & bring to meeting – parents should keep it until we have gone over knife safety.
Visit Troop 444 for their Recruitment Night. Wear Field Uniform (tan shirt/green shorts).
Focus: Building a Better World Wear Activity Uniform (blue Pack 751 t-shirt).
Focus: Building a Better World Wear Activity Uniform (blue Pack 751 t-shirt).
Adventure: Games Tigers Play / Tiger Bites (requirements)
We will be completing the Bear Claws adventure. Bring your pocketknife and projects from last meeting.