Bears Den Meeting 6
Location and adventures TBD
Location and adventures TBD
Planning meeting with T1001 for Webelos Woods. Wear Field Uniform (tan shirt/green shorts).
North Texas Turkey Trot. This is the Miracle Mile Fun Run benefiting the Miracle League of Frisco (sports organization for special needs children ages 5-22) .
Adventure: Earning Your Stripes (elective) / catch up on missed requirements. Location is TBD
Location and adventure TBD.
End of year fun at Hapik Firewheel
Forensics Adventure, Leah’s house.
Work on Pinewood Derby cars at the Battershell house.
Location and adventure TBD.
Location and adventure TBD.
Location and adventure TBD.
Please join us at the Spring work day at the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany - right across from FUMCR. We will be cleaning up the gardens and planting additional plants. Wear close toed shoes and class B uniform. I will provide additional water to fill your reusable water bottle and snacks. Feel free to […]