Tag: bears

Bears Den Meeting 6

Location and adventures TBD

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Bears Den Meeting 5

We will be completing the Bear Claws adventure. Bring your pocketknife and projects from last meeting.

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Bears Den Meeting 4

We will be working the Bear Claws adventure. Please purchase a pen knife or jackknife for your Scout & bring to meeting – parents should keep it until we have […]

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Bears Den Meeting 3

We’re meeting at the Heard Museum today with the Tiger Den! We’ll be working on Fur, Feathers, and Friends adventure, requirements 1, 2, 4. The cost is $10 per Scout/child […]

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Bears Den Meeting 2

We’re meeting at the Richardson Police Dept. to work on Paws for Action (Duty to Country) adventure, requirement 3a & 3b. Scouts should bring 3 questions to ask the police […]

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Bears Den Meeting 1

We’ll be working one two adventures: Paws for Action (Duty to Country) adventure, requirements 1, 2a. Bear Necessities adventure, requirements 2 and 3 Please get a small American flag to […]

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