Bears Den Meeting 10
Location and adventure TBD.
Location and adventure TBD.
Location and adventure TBD.
Scout Sunday is February 25 at First United Methodist Church, Richardson! FUMCR is a great partner and host for our pack, so let's support the day with a great show. Our scouts will help by being door greeters, passing out service bulletins and assisting ushers during the service. There are four services (8:45am, 9:45am, and […]
Join us in the First UMC parking lot for an annual tradition, our bike rodeo. More information to come closer to the event date.
Location and adventure TBD.
Please join us at the Spring work day at the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany - right across from FUMCR. We will be cleaning up the gardens and planting additional plants. Wear close toed shoes and class B uniform. I will provide additional water to fill your reusable water bottle and snacks. Feel free to […]
If poor weather, will meet at the Mettauer house. 7216 Arbor Oaks
Location and adventure TBD.