A Scout is Reverent.
Scout Sunday is a week away on February 25 at First United Methodist Church Richardson. FUMCR is a great partner and host for Pack 751 Richardson, so let’s support the day with a great show.
Our Scouts will help by being door greeters, passing out service bulletins, and assisting ushers during the service. There are four services to support: 8:45 AM, 9:45 AM, and two at 11 AM. Please wear your full class A/field uniform for this day and plan to show up about 25 minutes before the service start time to help. Please consider joining for the entire morning or for the service that fits your schedule best. We’d like to see us have at least 10 scouts for each service.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054EAFAA2FABF85-48023775-scout