Spring Campout


It is time to register for our spring campout! We spoke with the event coordinator and this sells out VERY QUICKLY. We have listed information about each event below. Please plan on signing up TONIGHT to ensure your spot for the weekend.  Please reach out to Sam or Molly Mettauer with additional questions. Thank you!

Fish-N-Fun Day – Saturday (April 20)

Cost: $35/attendee -ANYONE is available to attend

Register ASAP through hyperlink above. If you are attending Parent-N-Pal, do not register for Fish-N-Fun day, too.

Additional information:

  • Lunch is provided by local restaurant.
  • Attendees will have access to fish all day.
  • Attendees will be assigned groups (based on Pack/Den information) to rotate through various activities. Including but not limited to: archery, bb guns, fishing, learning about horses, and more!

Parent-N-Pal – Friday through Sunday (April 19-21)

Cost: $75/attendee (ONLY Scouts and their parent(s) are eligible to camp overnight.**

Register ASAP through the hyperlink above. The event coordinator waits until all spots are filled and then will assign us together to the best campsite to fit our attendees.

Daily Information:

  • Friday: Families should bring picnic lunch for dinner.
  • Saturday: same itinerary as Fish N Fun day. All meals are provided and there will be an additional event after Fish-N-Fun day participants leave. (planning for movie under the stars or something similar)
  • Sunday: Breakfast provided.

**We understand the cost is more expensive than our typical campouts. If the price is prohibitive, please let us know. There are potentials for assistance through our District.

Look forward to camping with you!

Sam Mettauer

[email protected]