Pack 751 Richardson
About Us
Scouting is fun! Cub Scouts offers opportunities for boys and girls to develop practical skills by participating in fun, family-friendly adventures, and group activities that build memories to last a lifetime. Together, we play, laugh, and develop imagination, remembering to always do our best.
Most of our Scouts attend Arapaho Classical Magnet (ACM) Elementary School and Pack 751 primarily serves families in the Southwest Richardson area. We are part of the Boy Scouts of America Circle Ten Council and Northern Trail District. We are one of the oldest and strongest Cub Scout groups in the community, active for more than 25 years.
We deliver the Cub Scout program to more than 50 boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade. Through that, Pack 751 Richardson offers a proud legacy of living the ideals of this program: The Scout Oath, Scout Law, Cub Scout motto, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, and salute. We hope you’ll join us.